Digital Agenda Assembly

On 21st and 22nd June in the European Parliament took place Digital Agenda Assembly of the European Commission, where were discussed ways to foster the economic growth and development of the single digital market.
On 21st June the Assembly started with 8 workshops on different topics: 1. "Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device? Converged Media Platforms", 2. "High-speed connections", 3. "Trust What You Buy, Choose How to Pay? The Future of e-Commerce in Europe", 3. "Trust What You Buy, Choose How to Pay? The Future of e-Commerce in Europe", 4. "Social Media: Social Networking for Economic Recovery, Jobs and Growth", 5. "Data", 6. "Clouds for Europe: From Cloud-friendly to Cloud-Active", 7. "Security: Secure Digital Future: building on growth, innovation and confidence", 8. "Innovation and entrepreneurs".
Emil Stoyanov meets students from Plovdiv

In his office in Plovdiv Emil Stoyanov met with students from High School "Ivan Vazov" and the French School "Antoine de Saint Exupery."
The young people are from grades X and XI and members in a European debates' club. During this extracurricular activity they learn about the work of European institutions and particularly about the work of a Member of the European Parliament.
Throughout November – New National strategy for Bulgarians, who live abroad

The President Rosen Plevneliev is expecting, in November this year, the first draft of the National strategy for Bulgarians, who live abroad, which will be discussed at the conference 'Policies for Bulgarians, who live abroad' in the European Parliament, organized by the Vice-President Margarita Popova and Emil Stoyanov, MEP and Member of the Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament. The announcement was made by President Plevneliev during the first session of the Council for Culture, Spiritual Development and National Identity, that was dedicated to our compatriots abroad.