Throughout November – New National strategy for Bulgarians, who live abroad

The President Rosen Plevneliev is expecting, in November this year, the first draft of the National strategy for Bulgarians, who live abroad, which will be discussed at the conference 'Policies for Bulgarians, who live abroad' in the European Parliament, organized by the Vice-President Margarita Popova and Emil Stoyanov, MEP and Member of the Committee on Culture and Education of the European Parliament. The announcement was made by President Plevneliev during the first session of the Council for Culture, Spiritual Development and National Identity, that was dedicated to our compatriots abroad.
'We need an improvement in the coordination and communication network with Bulgarians abroad. It is vital that we formulate clear and uniform messages towards them and show solidarity on the important topics and problems'. - the President Plevneliev pointed out.
The MEP Emil Stoyanov emphasized in regards to the upcoming conference in November in Brussels that: 'It will be good, if before the conference in Brussels that we have preliminary discussions with the Minister Simeon Djankov, so that we know what part of the future budget can be set aside for creating a policy for the Bulgarians, living abroad'.
Emil Stoyanov also proposed the creation of a foundation, that will govern all of the resources directed for this policy, because this organization will have two major advantages: one of them is that it is going to be above the political parties and members won't change in accordance to the ruling parties and the second one is that private companies and people can donate money, because the cause is noble and they will receive tax reductions. In this way except for the state funding, private resources will also be accumulated.
Amongst the objectives, that are expected to be fulfilled by the new National strategy are: the creation of a uniform regulatory basis, that will regulate the relationship with Bulgarians abroad; the conservation of the Bulgarian cultural diaspora, the protection of the language, within the Bulgarian educational institutions and the expansion of their network; establishment of a Bulgarian lobby through the Bulgarian emigrant communities; the embodiment of the young Bulgarian emigrants in the cultural life of the country; the improvement of the Bulgarian image abroad and others.
Participants of the Council for Culture, Spiritual Development and National Identity were the Vice-President Margarita Popova, the secretary of the President Professor Kiril Topalov, the Ministers Vezhdi Rashidov and Totio Mladenov, Members of the Bulgarian Parliament, the President of the State Agency for Bulgarians abroad, representatives from Bulgarian communities abroad, from the non-government sector and leading national media.
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