Parlamentary session 5-8th July 2010

The last Parliamentary session before the recess saw Members approve crucial steps that will cap banker's bonuses and set up a Europe system to regulate Europe's financial markets. The week also saw more rights for boat passengers and tighter rules on industrial emissions. Spain's EU Presidency also bowed out and Belgium took over at the helm. A ban on food from cloned animals was also endorsed by the House.
Bankers' bonuses capped and cut
Once more, several plenary debates were related to the economic and financial situation. On Wednesday, Parliament called for financial supervision package, adopting a resolution on banking crisis management and voted on the salaries of directors of listed companies and policies in the financial services sector. The texts approved included a report with recommendations to the Commission on Cross-Border Crisis Management in the Banking Sector, another on the establishment of a European Securities and Markets Authority.
Green light for EU diplomatic corps
The week was notable for MEPs strongly supporting the establishment of the European Union's nascent diplomatic corps - the External Action Service. After a debate between MEPs and High Representative Catherine Ashton the House approved a resolution clarifying the Service's staffing, budget and administration.
Adiós Spain, bienvenue-welkom-willkommen Belgium!
Spanish PM Zapatero faced friends and critics in the hemicycle while presenting the results of his 6-month EU Presidency. Belgian PM Yves Leterme presented his programme the following day: economy, environment and fighting unemployment are among his priorities.
Better protected boat passengers
As of 2012 the rights of passengers of regular boat and ferry services will be extended. New regulation approved by EP on 6 July enshrines rules on assistance and compensation in cases of delays. Cancellation or a 1.5 h late departure will give right to be rerouted, returned to the initial port of departure or fully reimbursed. In addition, depending on the delay, compensations of 25-50% of the ticket price will be paid out. Boat passengers will have more rights than air passengers.
Ban on food from cloned animals
Does Dolly the sheep now really belong to a museum? MEPs approved the ban of food from cloned animals from the European market. They are concerned about potential risks for the human health. Nevertheless, they should still negotiate with European governments to reach an agreement.
Stricter rules on industrial emissions
The EP overwhelmingly approved second reading report drafted by a German Liberal MEP Holger Krahmer. This means more stringent updated rules on industrial air pollution, with strict limits for nitrous oxides, sulphur dioxides and dust particles, which are particularly harmful to health and the environment. Thousands of industrial plants across the EU will be affected by the Industrial Emissions Directive, which will impose tougher restraints on emissions of nitrous oxides, sulphur dioxide and dust by 2016.
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