Bulgarian Horo danced in the European Parliament

Shortly before the Bulgarian national day over 90 students from the Rhodope Mountain and from the Bulgarian Diaspora in the Ukraine, Moldova, Serbia and Macedonia, as well as young musicians from the University of Stara Zagora and winners of prizes of the "Stoyan Kambarev" took part in the great celebration in the European Parliament in Brussels. This event was realized following the initiative of the Bulgarian Memory Foundation with the assistance of Bulgarian MEPs from the EPP and under the patronage of the President of republic of Bulgaria Rosen Plevneliev. Among the official guests of the event entitled "Bulgaria: Country of spirit and letters" were the Vice-President of Republic of Bulgaria Margarita Popova, Commissioner Georgieva and Vice-President of the European Parliament Rainer Wieland.
Ms. Popova opened the event with a speech loaded with patriotism and pride of the Bulgarian history. She stressed that Bulgaria is the country, which gave to 300 million people literacy and culture and recalled that Bulgaria was the strongest when it was governed by educated rulers. The Vice-President addressed her words especially to the young people, insisting that they are the heroes of our time, in whose hands rests the future of the proud and hardworking Bulgarian people.
Commissioner Georgieva shared her excitement every time she visits the European Parliament and sees the name of the institution written in Bulgarian language. She stated her faith in the European project and expressed confidence that soon this project will be joined by other countries using the Cyrillic alphabet.
Desi Tenekedjieva founder of the Foundation "Stoyan Kambarev", presented a short film about young winners of awards for outstanding achievements in the field of theater, arts, literature and film for 2011.
The numerous guests applauded the performances by the talented young students with Bulgarian nationality or Bulgarian origin from Moldova and the Ukraine. And by the first sounds of the bagpipes all jumped and led by Vice-President Margarita Popova and Commissioner Georgieva, were dancing the Rhodope horo - something unseen and unheard in the building of the EP before.
The guests had the opportunity to see the exhibition "The Bulgarian Alphabet" and to try traditional Bulgarian cuisine.
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