The Committee on Transport and Tourism

The Committee on Transport and Tourism is one of the busiest in the European Parliament since it works on the field of the complex and extensive legislation on the common European policy for rail, road, inland waterway, maritime and air transport.
Folloing the liberalization of the EU transport market, the focus of the work of the Committee became the harmonization of the legal and the administrative arrangements, including technical, social and tax conditions. Moreover the EU has begun implementing its own different projects as the Global Navigation Satellite System Galileo (GNSS), the European Railway Traffic Management System (ERTMS) and the SESAR project, which is the European air traffic control infrastruture modernisation programme.
In cooperation with the European Commission and the EU Council, the Committee is responsible for the development of common rules applicable to the transport within the EU,the development of the Trans-Eurppean Networks the area of transport infrastructure and the establishment of a network covering both traditional ground-base structures and equipment to enable safe and efficient traffic. In addition it observes the European postal services following their liberalisation.
The new Lisbon Treaty has extended the activities of the Committee on Transport adding to its field the new European policy on tourism where the role of the Community is to support action for policies established in and by the member states.The EU tourism industry generates more than 2 million companies with about 8 million employees.
The chairman of the Committee on Transport and Tourism is the British Brian Simpson (Labour Party). Mr. Emil Stoyanov is a substitute member. He is the only Bulgarian MEP in the Committee.
News The Committee on Transport and Tourism:
» 07/07/2010 | 11:28 The Committee on Transport and Tourism - More rights for boat passengers