The Committee on Transport and Tourism
More rights for boat passengers

Under the new rules, when a regular passenger boat or ferry service is cancelled or over 90 minutes late in departing, the passengers will have the right to be rerouted (in order to reach the destination earlier) or to receive back the ticket cost and not to travel (or else to return to the initial port of departure at the company's cost). This will not apply in the case of weather delays or other conditions outside the operator's control. Passengers must also be given snacks or meals, wherever possible.
In addition, regardless of whether they choose to travel or not, the passengers will be entitled to compensation of 25% of the ticket price for journeys scheduled to last up to 4 hours which are delayed at arrival for at least an hour; journeys scheduled to last 4 to 8 hours which are delayed at arrival for at least two hours; journeys scheduled to last 8 to 24 hours which are delayed at arrival for at least three hours; journeys scheduled to last over 24 hours which are delayed at arrival for at least six hours.
If the delay is over double these minimum times, passengers will be entitled to compensation of half the ticket price.
The compensation will have to be paid in money if the passenger demands it. Additionally, if because of the delay passengers have to stay overnight before completing their journey, the operator will have to pay for their hotel expenses up to €80 per night (for not more than 3 nights).